Month: September 2022
delighted Tuesday I started my day with boot camp. I’m very delighted it’s been warmer this week so it’s not dark and cold outside!! Then, I came straight home thinking about breakfast all the way. I’m shocked at how hungry I by the time I get home even though it’s not even 7am yet?! guess…
Read MoreThis post brought to you by summer of Groupon. All opinions are 100% mine. Ahoj! O môj Bože. I did something super out of the ordinary for me this weekend – I went Clay Shooting. MY latest VIDEOS Podcast Recaps from Aug 6 And here’s a new video with a quick recap of 3 podcasts…
Read Morehey there and delighted Friday! I started my day with a run whilst going over my presentation in my head. Ah! I don’t know why I agree to do these things when they make me so nervous. (Same can be said about how I keep signing up for marathons and then freak out the night…
Read MoreAhoj! today we’re talking water and workouts. First workouts… Moje najnovšie videá 5 minute Run warm Up A Fast warm Up for Runners. 5 minute running warm up before your run. how to get ready to run. suggestions for what to do before you run Viac videí 0 seconds of 5 minutes, 34 seconds Nahor…
Read MoreAfter the LB Marathon I was very confused about where to take my running. Sure, I accomplished my big 2011 goal = sub 4 but I still walked hobbled away from the race with my confidence shaken. during the race I made deals with myself that included, “Keep running now and you will never have…
Read Moreyesterday afternoon I woke up vegas since we were having guests over! I was quite excited, however he didn’t seem to care. My preferred lil person ‘MJ’ came over to hang out. When vegas heard her squeals he came to investigate. Moje najnovšie videá Podcast Recaps from Aug 6 And here’s a new video with…
Read MoreHello! Today’s Instagram check in post is a food diary. It’s been so long because I’ve done a full day of eats… but it feels kinda fun because that’s how many of my messages were. Well they were some running and a lot of eating. Anyway… I’m sharing a day of eats! Moje najnovšie videá…
Read More4 Nápady, ktoré sa držia vášho začiatočného programu Running od Inštruktora Run Experience Holly Dnes mám úžasný príspevok plný nápadov, ako sa držať vášho bežeckého plánu – aj keď chcete prestať – s inštruktorom behu Holly. Je online inštruktorkou zo zážitku z behu. Nedávno som robil rozhovor s iným inštruktorom z Tre v podcaste o…
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