Coffee as well as Cigarettes
by nzgxk
Lately the mid-afternoon slump has been hitting me hard. I have thought about Ben’s tip of coffee as well as cigarettes, however am not sure smoking would assist me with the whole “I’m training for a marathon” thing. So, for now I’m staying with a caffeinated beverage as well as a B-12 tablet. I’ll let ya understand if I take up DayQuil or something.
I am a sucker for “New” on a product (or “free”, however that doesn’t occur almost as often). So, I grabbed this new yogurt from the store the other day. It’s soy yogurt sweetened with agave. I usually don’t like soy yogurt as well as this was no different. The consistency was extremely light as well as airy nearly like the Yoplait Whips – however that’s not my thing. It’s not bad, I just don’t like it. Nie ďakujem.
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Unorthodox book as well as Netflix evaluation
During a lot of tasks I chomped on path mix up until I might get house for lunch. I was gone up until after 2pm, so this handful occurred may times.
Finally I got house as well as made a huge salad with hummus as well as a veggie burger. I am on a major salad/hummus kick this week. Multiply the bread x2.
I likewise had a Vitatop as well as $50.00 soda. I barely exaggerating with that. Waiting as well long for lunch left me excessively hunger as well as I couldn’t get full. Noted.
After a excellent chat with a good friend I came house to throw together whatever needed to be utilized up in the fridge. The last of the T-day ham for Ben as well as soup as well as brussels for me. Ben was even trying to take a few of my brussel sprouts! This house likes those small bit fart cabbages (as they are likewise known).
I was going to have the soy yogurt for dessert, however made a decision it wasn’t worth it as well as selected cottage cheese sweetened with Truvia, pineapple as well as cereal. I have been eating this Clifford crunch cereal for the longest time as well as for some reason it is still going strong! Not keeping sweets in the home truly has me reaching on the desserts, huh.
The Intuitive eating thing hasn’t been going well, so I haven’t been composing about it. For now I am just observing my errors as well as noting them in my notebook. when I have my thoughts in buy I’ll re-evaluate things ?
Ben as well as I are currently totally consumed with lost as well as are on the last episode of season 3. I understand Charlie dies, however I’m still dreading really enjoying it. Lately unfortunate motion pictures make me incredibly depressed after. Is that just me?
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Lately the mid-afternoon slump has been hitting me hard. I have thought about Ben’s tip of coffee as well as cigarettes, however am not sure smoking would assist me with the whole “I’m training for a marathon” thing. So, for now I’m staying with a caffeinated beverage as well as a B-12 tablet. I’ll let…
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